
Top Strategies of Super Achievers: The Best of the Internet

BaloonsHappy Friday! Catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week!

Busyness is not a virtue. How to escape the cult of busy.

How to keep calm and carry on when you feel ignored.

Make progress, not deadlines.

Consumers can fight the tide of the fast web.

What’s the cadence behind your work?

3 strategies of superachievers to help unlock your superpowers.

imageDundee’s Tip of the Week:  Check out how companies like Ravelry, Wistia, Crashlytics, TravelPod, and Reddit use iDoneThis!

How To Get Ahead At Work: The Best of the Internet

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Cute CatHappy Friday! Catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week! 

What Goldilocks can teach you about work engagement.

Learn about career paths and the world of work from our Q&A with writer Jessica Stillman, a non-pod person who’s on the beat.

Why is the end of “Results Only” at Best Buy bad news?

Feeling power is a key ingredient to intrinsic motivation.

Are you doing these 5 things to get ahead at work?

How to negotiate a salary that you deserve.

Dundee’s Tip of the Week:  Did you know that you can reply to our reminder email as many times as you like? Every reply will add dones to the bottom of your list for that day. Stack ‘em up!

Jessica Stillman, Writer and Non-Pod Person, on Work

Jessica Stillman is a columnist at Inc.com who writes about work, unconventional careers, productivity, leadership, and entrepreneurship. She also writes for Brazen Careerist and Women 2.0, among other fine publications. 

Her Twitter bio urges, “Have a career. Don’t turn into a pod person.” We talked with Jessica about how she managed to do just that, the benefits of quitting, productivity personalities, and the future of work.

Jessica Stillman

Read more

Steve Jobs and Customers: The Best of the Internet

MargeHappy Friday! Catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week!

How leaders & employees can power up happiness at work.

Luc Levesque, of TravelPod & TripAdvisor, on how to lead your team to excellence and how he uses iDoneThis.

The science of shower creativity.

Why Steve Jobs never listened to his customers.

5 ways to standout performance.

When leaders don’t have time to lead and fear accountability.

imageDundee’s Tip of the Week:  Hey iDT team users, have you noticed that links are now clickable? Include links in your dones to show ALL the things!


Taking Risks Through Doubt

Strangely enough, doubt need not impede action. If you really become friends with your doubt, you can go ahead and take risks, knowing you will be questioning yourself at every turn, no matter what. It is part of living, a healthy evolutionary adaptation, I would imagine. The mistake is in trying to tune out your doubts. Accept them as a necessary (or at least unavoidable) soundtrack.

Philip Lopate, in the NYT’s Opinionator blog’s “The Essay, an Exercise in Doubt”.