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I Done This on The Cloud Show! The Best of the Internet
Hey, it’s our fearless CEO on the The Cloud Show!
And on now on to the best of what we’ve shared on the internets this week:
- Ginni’s great post on the best ways to work on customer service from the inside.
- Why it’s important for women to speak out about their work.
- How Ravelry, the best social network you’ve (probably) never heard of (unless you are a knitter), uses iDoneThis!
- What company culture is and is not.
- Secrets of the happiest companies.
- Getting from worthless idea to million-dollar startup.
How Ravelry Stitches its Creative Community Together
Ravelry is a website for knitters, crocheters, spinners, and other people into fibers, with close to 2.7 million users, or “Ravellers”, around the world. The site houses a rich database of patterns and reference information, ways to keep track of projects and stock of your yarns, and a forum for its Ravellers to interact.
In fact, Ravelry has been called “the best social network you’ve (probably) never heard of”. In talking with Mary-Heather Cogar, VP of Operations/Do-Gooder, that sense of close-knit community shines through, distinguishing Ravelry as an example of what can be so great about the internet.
“There’s something really amazing about connecting with people that are into the same things that you are. A lot of Ravellers have struck up friendships, sometimes in totally different countries, or met people in their own communities that they didn’t know were out there. They were used to knitting in front of Netflix or whatever — we all love to do that but sometimes you feel like you’re the only one passionate about this in your neighborhood. It turns out that there’s a group of people that are super into crocheting also, or new spinners and they’re all learning together.”
The Science of Resolutions
While 75% of us keep our new year’s resolutions for two weeks, the chances are slim that we’ll make it further. Here are some tips drawn from two awesome posts by Eric Barker and Buffer’s Leo Widrich on the science of resolutions and how to make them stick.
1. Break down the goal into baby steps.
2. Write it down, and keep track of your progress. This keeps you accountable and motivates you to keep going.
3. Dust yourself off and try again. You can’t learn how to ride a bike without a couple falls. Don’t give up when you slip up!
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
5 Ways to Transmit Awesome Customer Service From the Inside Out
No customer service is an island. You just can’t deliver great customer care alone.
These days, customers are tech-savvy, creative, and communicative. Some customers may want to build extensions and plugins to your service. In fact, we owe many of our iDoneThis “goodies” to ingenious users who built them to better suit their workflow. Others request features or find ways to adapt your tool to their company culture that you never initially considered. Still other customers ask highly technical questions. They all use multiple channels to communicate a volley of varied issues.
The worst customer experience is to wait forever for an answer, only to receive a meaningless response. That’s bound to happen when you isolate your customer service team. Ill-equipped to substantively deal with issues, they leave customers hanging while running around asking developers for assistance.
The best customer experience is prompt, personal resolution of a problem, and this starts with a foundation of strong internal team connections and communication. The better your team is at communicating and supporting each other, the better the customer service results. Customer requests will have a faster turnaround, your responses will be more substantive and helpful, and your customers will simply be happier.
Here’s some key ways and tools to connect your team internally for excellent customer service:
Simplify and Get Productive! The Best of the Internet
Happy Friday! Catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week!
Don’t fall into the Vanity Work Trap – good for feeling awesome, bad for real progress.
Great humane productivity tips.
Learn how to ask better questions.
Welcome Janet Choi to the iDoneThis Team!
Hello! I’m Janet, and I’m delighted to be joining the iDoneThis team full-time! It’s been thrilling to see iDoneThis evolve while I’ve been freelance writing and editing for the company for about a year. I’m excited to contribute to its growth as Marketing Director, doing content and product marketing and continuing to helm the blog. In … Read more
Alain de Botton on Success
So what I want to argue for is not that we should give up on our ideas of success, but we should make sure that they are our own. We should focus in on our ideas and make sure that we own them, that we are truly the authors of our own ambitions.
Alain de Botton, in his July 2009 TED Talk about success.
A Year of Good Things
“Start on January 1st with an empty jar. Throughout the year write the good things that happened to you on little pieces of paper. On December 31st, open the jar and read all the amazing things that happened to you that year.”
Here’s a great idea from imabookshark to start off the new year. Make a Good Things Jar! Capture the positive things that happened to you and that you accomplished in your personal and work life! They’re worth remembering and acknowledging.
Of course, you can always use iDoneThis as a Good Things App — a super simple way to keep a record of and look back at all the amazingness over the year!
Amazing Productivity Apps: The Best of the Internet
Here’s a sweet short film, Honk if You Love Someone, that will make you smile. (via Dan Pink, whose book, To Sell is Human, just cameout.) And now, catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week!
We’re among some pretty cool company in this amex open forum roundup of 10 amazing productivity apps.
Did you make any resolutions this year? Here’s why 88% of them fail and how to make them work.
Put just one word into action to refocus your company and motivate your employees.
Don’t wait! Delegate!
If you liked the film and want to make your own signs, try out some guerilla art using post-it notes! Bonus: not having to stand outside!