Forget about productivity and numbers. They matter not at all. If you are driven to do things to reach certain numbers (goals), you have probably lost sight of what’s important. If you are striving to be productive, you are filling your days with things just to be productive, which is a waste of a day. This day is a gift, and shouldn’t be crammed with every possible thing — spend time enjoying it and what you’re doing.
I Done This Support
Something Good in Every Day
Hope your dones are part of the good in every day!
Listen to Teddy!
Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to become an oyster.
— Theodore Roosevelt
Wisdom from Andrew Zuckerman
The book trailer for Andrew Zuckerman’s Wisdom: The Greatest Gift One Generation Can Give to Another is a treasure trove of wise words from leaders of all fields who are all over 65 years old. Here are some of our favorites from the wise words spoketh: “Your best work is your expression of yourself. Now you … Read more
Creating a Productive Environment
Wise use of space means creating the right context for concentration, learning, communication, and collaboration—the building blocks of productivity.
Productivity is not just about you. It’s also about your environment.
The National Institute of Building Sciences takes a look at “productive building design.” Organizational effectiveness, or organizational productivity, is a fancy way of saying using space wisely. It makes sense to make a user-friendly work environment to cultivate an organization’s greatest resource and expense — the worker!
Zig Ziglar on Motivation
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar

Working Smarter, Not Harder
Some great tips for working smarter, not harder. Less than half of workers report being satisfied with the recognition they receive on the job. Is it just a coincidence that less than half of employed adults report being completely satisfied with their jobs? Do you have any tips for working smarter, not harder? Share them … Read more
Confronting the Brutal Facts of Your Startup’s Reality
“This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”
– Admiral James Stockdale [1]
Fundraising is distracting because much of it is about framing facts about your reality rather than confronting the brutal facts of your reality. For us, that meant coming up with a plausible story for not sucking when we did mostly suck. [2]
Some startups try to handle this by juggling two different stories: the one they tell investors and the one they know to be true. That sounds easy enough, but it can get very confusing and that confusion results in friction.
Work Less, Save Time
Give yourself the weekend off. Seriously. If you really, really, really need to do work, schedule a finite time to focus with laser beam attention on it.
Otherwise, stop feeling guilty all weekend and let it go.
More work and more time spent thinking about doing work does not equal more good work done. Work less. It actually saves you time.
Charlie McDonnell: Don’t Break the Chain
A rather cheerful, young Brit in the internet talks about the Seinfeld “Don’t Break the Chain” productivity method. He explains, that before, if he didn’t feel like doing anything, he wouldn’t. And now, if he doesn’t feel like doing anything, he’ll get at least 1 hour of work done, writing scripts and on the way to making a film. Hoorah!
We hope our users like having their chains, charts, and calendars live in the internet. Do you ever print out your calendars to bask in your getting stuff done glory?
Tell us what you’ve been working on using iDoneThis. Double hoorah!