
The 7 Best Podcasts For Entrepreneurs

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By Blake Thorne


[Image Credit: MusicOomph.com]

Many gigabytes of text were spilled out all over the web about 2015 being the ‘year of the podcast.’ It seems like there may have been something to that. The medium is exploding. Apple last year reported that podcast subscriptions on iTunes have surpassed the 1 billion mark. And more than 39 million Americans listen to podcasts monthly, according to Edison Research.

Looking to up your podcast intake and grow as an entrepreneur? Here are seven suggested podcasts.


The gritty and not-always-pretty details of what it’s really like to leave your 9-5 and strike out as an entrepreneur. The show was created by Alex Blumberg, a 15-year veteran of This American Life and NPR’s Planet Money. His journey leaving his day job and becoming a podcasting entrepreneur is outlined in great detail.

The Startup Chat with Steli & Hiten

The podcast medium excels with the experts/friends talking shop format. Here, Close.io Founder and CEO Steli Efti and KISSmetrics Co-Founder and CEO Hiten Shah do exactly that. The chats cover a wide-range of topics relevant to entrepreneurs — like productivity, management, and marketing.

If you are into productivity, you must check out these productivity podcasts that’ll surely give you new ideas about the time management.

How To Start A Startup

This podcast is an adaptation of a series of lectured given at Stanford in fall 2014 by Y Combinator president Sam Altman. The lecture guests include a murderers row of some of the most revered Silicon Valley entrepreneurs — from Paul Graham to Peter Thiel — and thinkers giving candid, longform advice.

Product Hunt Radio

Billed as “a podcast for those that love to geek out about products” the weekly podcast includes interviews members of the startup community hosted by Product Hunt Founder Ryan Hoover.

The Tim Ferriss Show

What’s striking about the podcast from author Tim Ferriss is the caliber of guests he’s able to bring in, from the CEO of Dropbox to Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Entrepreneur on Fire

John Lee Dumas, host of the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast, built a 250K/month podcasting business and climbed to the top-ranked business podcasts on iTunes. He interviews entrepreneurs from all over different industries and walks of life. And Dumas is also pretty transparent about his own entrepreneurial journey.

Planet Money

This NPR program available as a podcast explores stories about economics, finance and business that will leave you scratching your head. The stories can open your mind to new ways of thinking about money and business — and maybe jump start some creative juices.

Bonus: Serial

Though it has nothing to do with entrepreneurship, Serial is a master class in narrative and story telling. Over and over in history, some of the best leaders and tycoons — from Steve Jobs to Bill Clinton to Roman emperors — have leveraged the awesome power of storytelling.

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