
How Luc Levesque Leads TravelPod & TripAdvisor to Focus on Being the Best

Transparent communication is a theme running through Luc Levesque’s career, from his 1997 founding of Travelpod, the first travel blogging website where people could share their adventures, to his current practice of handing new employees a boss blueprint.  Luc is currently a General Manager at TripAdvisor, responsible for its global SEO efforts and TravelPod’s business unit. We talked with Luc about how he communicates with his team and how frequent feedback is vital to great performance.


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Collaboration and Communication: The Best of the Internet

Happy Friday! Catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week!

We shared our 7 favorite collaboration and communication tools — perfect for adding to any company toolbox, whether your workers are remote or office-assembled.

Find out how C2I Intel uses iDoneThis with distributed and overseas teams to deliver business intelligence.

When you work like ants and get the right amount of communication, at the right time, there are fewer meetings, more productivity, and higher efficiency!

How Daniel Pink gets stuff — including regular writing — done!

How temperature and lighting affects your productivity. Unless you’re a vampire.

Help others in order to find your purpose and motivation.

imageDundee’s Tip of the Week:  Hey iDT team users, hope you’ve noticed by now that you can add comments and likes to individual dones. Find out why we think the new feature will help cultivate happier performance and more progress at work.

How C2I Intel Overcomes the Knowledge Gap to Deliver the Lowdown

Knowledge is power, and when you’re an entrepreneur and running a small business, it’s a challenge to get sufficient people-power to catch all the relevant information and news out there. We talked with Michelle Frome, president of C2I Intel, which solves that problem by delivering that knowledge directly, providing competitor and industry intelligence to help companies gain a leg up.


Michelle’s path to providing the business scoop was indirect. Brought on by a company to help build an electronic medical record product, she found that she needed a way to keep track of confusing and evolving regulations, as well as keep up with competitors. She worked with programmers in Vietnam to create the technology that would automate much of that work. With the medical records project up in the air, Michelle and her team decided to focus on developing the software for business intelligence instead, bringing in review teams to help target, tailor, and finetune the research.

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Charlotte Perkins Gilman on The Yellow Wallpaper

I … went to work again–work, the normal life of every human being; work, in which is joy and growth and service, without which one is a pauper and a parasite–ultimately recovering some measure of power.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman, on why she wrote The Yellow Wall-paper, after a specialist had told her to refrain from intellectual life, “never to touch pen, brush, or pencil again,” — words which led her to near “mental ruin.” Indeed, it is heartening to remember that there is the possibility of power, joy, growth, and service in work.

Structured Procrastination: The Best of the Internet

Happy Friday! Catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week!

8 Expensive Project Management Lessons – for free!

Is bad management getting in the way of transparency and innovation at work? Don’t we want to be open, generous, and connected?

Structured procrastination — the magical solution of working with your tendency to put things off.

4 productive things to do when you’re bored at work that are way more valuable than facebook.

Employees leave managers, not companies.

Focus on the experience itself, not your goal.

Dundee’s Tip of the Week: Hey iDT team users, now you can show and tell — links are clickable. Add URLs to show off your work!


Reset Your Mind! The Best of the Internet

Bunny ShoppingHappy Friday! Catch up with the best of what we’ve shared on the interwebs this week! 

The perks of considering your plan “dead”. Dun dun dun!

How to get your team to stick to new habits.

Our Chief Happiness Officer stars in a Green Mango web interview.

Promoting yourself to your harshest critic.

Lessons from a productivity addict.

Take a break! It’s a productive pause!

Optimize your teamwork.

Self Knowledge leads to Self Improvement

Just the act of jotting something down is an act of discipline that affects how we think about our actions, and bolsters our resolve to modify our own behavior.

Andrew Leonard, on the quantified self movement in “Can your iPhone Help You Lose Weight?”

Self-knowledge can lead to self-improvement. Check your life’s blind spots in order to work and live better.


If You Can Dream It, You Can Do it!

Dreaming is at the heart of disruption — it is only when we dream that we can hope to create something truly new, something that will overtake old habits, old customs, and old ways of thinking and being… And the more we dream ourselves into becoming who we want to be, the closer we’ll come to accomplishing our resolutions.

Whitney Johnson, in a great HBR blog post about paying attention to our dreams and who we are.

Life is a precious gift. Don't waste it being unhappy, dissatisfied, or anything else you can be