RingCaptcha makes it look easy to secure the world
The Internet makes it a no-brainer to run a global business with a tiny staff, but for most ventures that means a direct mail operation out of a single office. Imagine setting up physical infrastructure in 195 countries with a lean team — if that sounds impossible, you might not have heard of RingCaptcha yet.
Even if that name doesn’t ring a bell, there’s a strong chance you might have already used RingCaptcha technology through one of its licensees.
If we could tell you names, of course we would. Suffice it to say that the customer base together add up to market dominance, all made possible by the kinds of best practices in productivity covered in this blog. We’ll get into all of that but first, let’s explain what RingCaptcha is.
RingCaptcha turns phone numbers into the new user identity, and delivers this in a way strikes the right balance between usability and security for all involved.
That might sound like a really basic concept, but within the world of cybersecurity, simplifying anything to make it more usable and cost effective is like magic.
Competing in a Marketing Bubble
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you probably see or hear about security breaches every time you peruse the news. All of this coverage has created a giant marketing bubble for technology companies that sell security solutions.

They tout ever-more complicated hardware and software, insisting that defending against hackers requires systems that need veritable rocket scientists to run them. If only there were as much supply of these wizards as the ever-growing assortment of wares they’re expected to run.
The fact is, there literally aren’t enough of these specialists to go around. About a third of security-related job openings remain unfilled after six months, if the right candidate for the job shows up at all.
A lot of companies end up settling for someone with less qualifications than desired, and what that means in practical terms is that they have to spend time and money getting the latest security certifications training for whoever they do end up hiring.
The budget required for all that goes way beyond what any small company or startup can even contemplate. Actually, budgeting for security becomes a use-it-or-lose it consideration for companies of all sizes when it comes to securing interactions with customers, business partners and all other parties outside of the company.
Use It Or Lose It
Overcomplicated security measures have a tendency to dissuade people from joining websites, installing apps and even completing transactions. If people don’t use a technology intended to secure them, that becomes the antithesis of security — in addition to a waste of money.
RingCaptcha takes all of these worries away for businesses by making its solution so easy it takes only seconds for companies to install — it’s a matter of copying and pasting code into a company’s application or website.
The rest of the work happens on RingCaptcha’s end — that’s what software as a service (SaaS) is all about after all — freeing up the customer company to focus on growing their business and specializing in what they do best.
That spirit characterizes the way RingCaptcha manages its own staff — so that a geographically disperse team of remote workers as if they were all sitting in the same room.

The company fosters a “ship it” attitude as part of its corporate culture, and keeps everyone communicating about their accomplishments using I Done This — and making good use of all the premium features.
Manage Remote Teams Globally
The company was founded by a trio in Sao Paolo, Brazil and now has staff distributed around the globe. These polyglot productivity powerhouses also travel around the globe, to so many locations it’s almost dizzying to keep up with.
Yet they are in communication with one another daily through virtual daily standups on I Done This. It starts with goal setting at the beginning of the work day — although some tend to post goals for tomorrow before leaving in the evening, a tactic that becomes all the more meaningful when your colleagues are literally on the other side of the globe from you.
The next day everyone comes in to find at least one like of their done list, and not just from the bosses. Because everyone opts in to receiving daily digests of everyone’s done lists, prompts to check out the latest posts have the effect of rallying validation that helps everyone achieve more.
Playing Tag
Knowing of this effect seems to encourage everyone to tag one another daily in done lists, particularly when noting meetings and even teamwork. Hashtags further this effect by encouraging contributions across business areas.
The daily digest emails also tend to encourage everyone to make full use of all the premium features of I Done This. So while those with administrative level access to the app can see who posts the most — among other nifty patterns in the progress reports — there is some visibility of this on a colleague basis as well.
That has a positive effect on everyone involved. Saying morale runs high really is an understatement. Ultimately that results in the world continuing to become more secure — the output of productivity at RingCaptcha.
Readers, have you used I Done This the way RingCaptcha has, ad made full use of the premium features? Click here to learn more about them. And if you liked learning about RingCaptcha, please click here to find out more.