The following guest blog post was written by Kable Jones, aka krunkster on iDoneThis. Kable is a firefighter with a 150-day streak of getting stuff done.
Although the overachievers of the world likely fill their calendar boxes with ease, the rest of us may occasionally stare at the IDT email with an “oh no” feeling. Nonetheless, maintaining an IDT streak need not, in fact, require constant productivity.
Unlike the Silicon Valley geniuses I don’t have a project timeline oriented job, so that’s not my easy way out of this problem. Instead, I use IDT to overcome gender roles and keep an ongoing diary.
I suppose one could turn to hip tools like Livejournal to provide this functionality, but that’s really not my style. Beyond being rather obnoxious, blogging typically requires far too much time and verbiage to continue for an extended period. IDT’s clever “bulletpoint” formatting puts me back into a comforting PowerPoint mode as I chronicle the day’s events.
It’s also a nice private log, so I don’t have to concern myself with impressing a potential audience. This lets me fill out the required data quickly without flowery language. All meat, no veggies.
A typical entry might look like this one, on November 12.
I have a terrible memory, so with the online calendar I can quickly review what’s happened over the past month. Beyond nostalgia, it often reminds me of things I still need to address.
A typical entry might look like this one, on November 12.
So, if IDT’s emails have you feeling like an unproductive idiot, do what I do — use iDoneThis as a tool to keep track of you digestive health!