
“iDoneThis keeps me honest.” – Our Interview of Daniel Pink

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Daniel Pink

Here at iDoneThis, we are huge fans of Daniel Pink, author of #1 New York Times bestseller, Drive. We admire his thought leadership on the changing world of work and are so excited that he records his daily accomplishments with iDoneThis. Below, we interviewed Dan on the important stuff – why he does what he does and how he gets stuff done.

Dan, we know that you are a best-selling author. But forget that. In three sentences tell us what you do and why you do it.

I’m a writer. Why? In part because I could never hit a curveball — and in part because when I get it right, which is rare, it’s the most exhilarating feeling in the world.

We’re just curious – why are you fascinated with what motivates people and the way that we work?

Work, I’ve realized, is an amazing topic to explore — psychology, economics, anthropology, and a few scoops of biology blended into a ginormous, fascinating smoothie. Think about it: Most of us spend over half of our waking hours at work. That makes it a powerful lens for examining who we are and where we’re going.

We love your video on the two questions that can change your life. So, Dan, what’s your sentence? Were you better today than yesterday?

1. He wrote books that helped people see the world a little more clearly and live their lives a little more fully.
2. Unfortunately, no.

What do you predict will be the most radical change in the enterprise organization within the next 10 years?

I think it’s already occurred: Today, talented people need organizations less than organizations need talented people. In the next decade, that reality will only deepen and intensify.

What is your process for writing? What do you do when you hit writer’s block?

When I’m on a deadline, I write in the morning — and try to turn off my email and phone the entire time. Most days, I give myself a word count — and won’t do anything else until I’ve hit my number. As for writer’s block, that’s not my problem. My problem is getting the momentum to sit down every day and write.

We love that you are a fan of us! How and why do you use iDoneThis?

I use it to get a sense of whether I’m making progress each day. Simply “feeling” like I’ve been getting things done can be a form of self-delusion. iDoneThis keeps me honest.

Fun fact that has never been published about you: Ready, GO!

In fifth grade, I wrote and performed a song for my entire elementary school. The song was about — here comes the revelation — Pete Rose.


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